Fees: Corporate

Category Annual Revenue Band 2022-2023 Fees
Corporate 1: annual revenues > $40 billion USD $69,000
Corporate 2: annual revenues – $25 billion to $40 billion USD $59,000
Corporate 3: annual revenues – $10 billion to $25 billion USD $49,000
Corporate 4: annual revenues – $1 billion to $10 billion USD $39,250
Corporate 5: annual revenues – $100 million to $1 billion USD $29,500
Corporate 6: annual revenues – $1 million to $100 million USD $19,900

Fees: Individual

Category Membership Level 2022-2023 Fees
Individual Membership Basic $299
Individual Membership Advanced* $499
Individual Student Membership Basic $99
Individual Student Membership Advanced* $259

*Advanced membership includes 30% of certification fees and participation in the development standards plus voting rights.